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"Last time to coda" in music notation indicates that performers should skip directly to the coda section of a piece, bypassing the repeated sections. It helps to shorten the performance time by skipping over previously played sections of the music.

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You mean cauda. It means the tail of an animal. And coda is Italian for tail.

What does DC Al Coda mean?

A music notation roughly meaning "go back to the beginning, playing everything again up to the coda.

What does coda mean?

coda is the exponentially decreasing portion or tail portion of the seismogram.It arrives after S-wave.(After twice the travel time of s -wave).coda waves are generated by multipul scattering in the inhomogenous media due to interference of the body waves .

Ds al coda?

D.S. al Coda = Dal Segno al Coda It means from the sign to the coda.

What does DS al coda?

D.S. al coda means to repeat back to the sign and play to the coda sign. Upon reaching this symbol, skip to the coda. The coda sign shows where the coda starts.

What actors and actresses appeared in In coda della coda - 1989?

The cast of In coda della coda - 1989 includes: Brunella Andreoli Alessandro Haber

What part of speech is the word coda?

The word "coda" can function as a noun. In music, a coda is a concluding passage that brings a piece to an end.

What does to coda mean in sheet music for violin?

This term is usually preceded by "Dal Segno" or "Da Capo", which means "from the sign", or "from the beginning", respectively. When used with these terms, it means: "Start from the beginning/sign and play until the coda symbol, then play the coda part".

When did Benedetto Coda die?

Benedetto Coda died in 1535.

When was Benedetto Coda born?

Benedetto Coda was born in 1492.