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This phrase typically conveys the idea that people or things should be flexible and adaptable to circumstances, just like how grass bends with the wind. It can be a metaphor for resilience and the ability to weather challenges by being open to change.

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Q: What does When the wind blows the grass bends mean?
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Which priciple explains why the flame bends towards the wind?

The Bernoulli's Principle explains why the flame bends towards the wind. As the wind blows over the flame, it lowers the air pressure above the flame, causing the higher pressure below the flame to push it in the direction of the wind.

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How is grass pollinated and fertilizes?

tHe WiNd BlOwS tHe PoLlEn OfF AnD tHe PlAnT's FoOd FeRtIlIzEs It

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The Bernoulli's principle explains why a flame bends towards the wind. As the wind blows over the flame, it creates a lower pressure area above the flame than below, causing the flame to bend in the direction of the wind to equalize the pressure difference.

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thw wind works by god blows the wind thw wind works by god blows the wind

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When was When the Wind Blows - comics - created?

When the Wind Blows - comics - was created in 1982.

When was The Wind Blows created?

The Wind Blows was created on 2009-04-21.

When was When the Wind Blows - song - created?

When the Wind Blows - song - was created in 1986-06.