Shu means "Tree."
Lian shu is facebook in chinese.
"Shu tiao" means "noodle" in English.
In Dutch, "shu shu" doesn't have a specific meaning. It might be a mispronunciation or a misunderstood word. It's always best to provide more context to clarify the intended word or phrase.
Nico Lek's birth name is Nico Lek De Tachinville.
LEK About 1 LEK = $0.1
A lek is the currency of Albania, divided into 100 qindarka.
Albanian lek was created in 1926.
Lek Viriyaphant was born in 1914.
Lek Viriyaphant died in 2000.
Den Lek's population is 4,376.
Lek Nana died in 2010.