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In the poem "Dry Your Tears, Africa" by Bernard Dadie, tears symbolize the suffering and pain that Africa has endured due to colonization and oppression. They represent the grief and sadness felt by African people as they strive for liberation and justice. The tears are a call to action for unity and resilience in the face of adversity.

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Q: What do tears symbolize in dry your tears Africa poem by bernard dadie?
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What do tears symbolize?

Blacks tears in a dream means that you are losing something or someone close to you. Dreams are formed by the subconscious mind while the conscious (waking) mind is resting in sleep. The mind uses symbols and metaphors in dreams that can be universal, such as the house as a symbol of the self. But many symbols are unique to the individual. This dream of black tears is probably one of those unique dreams, and the dreamer needs to do some reflection to determine what black tears might mean to them. The image suggest sorrow and grief or a great loss. Black tears also bring to mind the troubles of miners and other laborers working in polluted situations.

What do black tears symbolize?

Blacks tears in a dream means that you are losing something or someone close to you. Dreams are formed by the subconscious mind while the conscious (waking) mind is resting in sleep. The mind uses symbols and metaphors in dreams that can be universal, such as the house as a symbol of the self. But many symbols are unique to the individual. This dream of black tears is probably one of those unique dreams, and the dreamer needs to do some reflection to determine what black tears might mean to them. The image suggest sorrow and grief or a great loss. Black tears also bring to mind the troubles of miners and other laborers working in polluted situations.