King Hrothgar builds a hall, Grendel attacks, and Beowulf travels to Denmark.
Heorot is built, Grendel attacks, and Beowulf travels to Denmark.
King Hrothgar builds a hall, Grendel attacks, and Beowulf travels to Denmark. *apex*
Hrothgar builds Heorot, Grendel attacks and is a menace for 12 years, and Beowulf travels to Denmark. -- Apex
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In Beowulf section 5-8, Beowulf arrives in Denmark and explains his mission to King Hrothgar, offering to help defeat the monster Grendel. Beowulf and his men are welcomed and celebrate in the mead hall Heorot. Grendel attacks that night, with Beowulf successfully engaging him in battle and tearing off his arm.
Heorot is built, Grendel attacks, and Beowulf travels to Denmark.
King Hrothgar, nuilds a hall, Grendel attacks and Beowulf travels to Denmark.