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The stressed syllables in the poem "Concord Hymn" by Ralph Waldo Emerson vary depending on the meter and rhythm of each line. To determine the stressed syllables, you should read the poem aloud and listen for the natural emphasis placed on certain syllables within each line.

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Q: What are the stressed syllables in the poem concord hymn?
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What type of poem is the concord hymn?

The "Concord Hymn" is a lyric poem, specifically a hymn since it was written to be sung at the dedication of the Obelisk in Concord, Massachusetts. The poem is known for its commemoration of the Battle of Concord and the start of the American Revolutionary War.

What year did he write the concord hymn poem?

it was made in 1778

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The stressed and unstressed syllables in poem 340 create a rhythmic pattern known as meter. This meter can influence the pace, tone, and mood of the poem. Stressed syllables often indicate emphasis or importance, while unstressed syllables contribute to the overall flow and musicality of the verse.

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The metrical structure of a poem is its rhythm pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables true or false?

True. The metrical structure of a poem refers to the rhythmic pattern created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line of the poem.

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Who wrote Concord Hymn?

Concord hymn is basically about the Battle of Lexington of the Reveloutionary war. The poem speaks about a monument that was put in place to honor the brave men who fought there.

Poets use stressed syllables to make rhythm?

Poets use stressed syllables to create a specific rhythm and pattern in a poem. These stressed syllables help to determine the meter of a poem, which contributes to its overall musicality and flow. By emphasizing certain syllables, poets can control the pace and tone of their writing, enhancing the reader's experience.

What was the poem called the concord hymn about?

well it just was dummy people like you shouldn't even be doing English

Is a recognizable pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables in a poem.?

This refers to the "rhythm" of a poem, the pattern associated with stressed and unstressed syllables in a line.This is different from meter which measures the audible features of poetry, and is described as the sequence of feet in a line.

What is an example of imagery in poem Concord Hymn?

An example of imagery in the poem "Concord Hymn" by Ralph Waldo Emerson is the image of the "embattled farmers" standing at the old North Bridge in Concord, ready to face the British soldiers. This imagery evokes a visual representation of the brave and determined colonists standing up for their beliefs and homeland.

What makes up a meter of a poem?

The number of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line.Apex:)