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Prose is writing that resembles everyday speech. The word "prose" is derived from the Latin prosa, which literally translates to "straightforward". Prose is an unpretentious form of writing; it is adopted for the discussion of facts and topical news. Prose is often articulated in free form writing style. Thus, it may be used for books, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, broadcast media, films, letters, history, philosophy, biography, linguistic geography, and many other forms of communication.

Prose generally lacks the formal structure of meter or rhyme. Although some works of prose may happen to contain traces of metrical structure or versification, a conscious blend of the two forms of literature is known as a prose poem.

Prose poetry is poetry written as prose, in other words it is a hybrid form combining poetry and prose. The poem has all of the essential elements of traditional poetry written in verse. It has rhythm, rhyme, repetition, assonance, consonance, and imagery.The imagery can be so startling as to be surrealistic in nature.

whereas Drama comes from Greek words meaning "to do" or "to act." A play is a story acted out. It shows people going through some eventful period in their lives, seriously or humorously. The speech and action of a play recreate the flow of human life. A play comes fully to life only on the stage. On the stage it combines many arts those of the author, director, actor, designer, and others. Dramatic performance involves an intricate process of rehearsal based upon imagery inherent in the dramatic text. A playwright first invents a drama out of mental imagery. The dramatic text presents the drama as a range of verbal imagery. The language of drama can range between great extremes: on the one hand, an intensely theatrical and ritualistic manner; and on the other, an almost exact reproduction of real life. A dramatic monologue is a type of lyrical poem or narrative piece that has a person speaking to a select listener and revealing his character in a dramatic sit

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14y ago
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10y ago

Drama is written to be a play which is performed on a stage by actors, it has directions on the stage and notes for the actors but are not verbally acted. Poetry is written carefully using rhythm, shape of lines and metaphor to create an emotional response in the reader and it usually gets turned into a song. In fiction it's a story is written to be a story or a novel. The elements are different as well.

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6mo ago

Drama is meant to be performed on stage, typically involving dialogue and action. Poetry focuses on the use of language and form to evoke emotions and imagery in a condensed form. Fiction tells a narrative story, often involving characters, plot, and setting.

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13y ago

prose is a peice of text you read aloud to (sometimes ) a audince .where as drama is when you act somthing e.g i might act going into a shop and buying somethinghere is some poetry for you to try to define drama/poetry never forget whay the world has given never forget that you are you ,you may see others in your faces mind but renember you are unique

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14y ago

plays are written in much the same way, perhaps with a little more collaberation, but the main difference is that plays are meant to be acted out, on stage or otherwise. Example: Shakespeare plays are very much poetic, but they were intended to be performed onstage.

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11y ago

poetry can rhyme and can be both fiction and nonfiction.

Drama has a lot of dialogue and can also be fiction and nonfiction.

Short stories tell of a short experience and have to be nonfiction

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12y ago

Prose is written word meant for reading.

Drama is meant to be acted out.

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The main types of literature are poetry, prose, and drama. Poetry includes works that use formal structure and rhythm to express emotions or ideas. Prose encompasses fiction and non-fiction writing that is in paragraphs and sentences. Drama consists of plays and scripts that are meant to be performed by actors.

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The four major genre is fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama.

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i think its narrative, expository, response to literature, and persuasionRead more: What_are_the_four_main_genres_of_literature

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Dana Gioia has written: 'The Longman Dictionary of Literary Terms' 'An Introduction to Poetry' 'Introduction to Fiction' 'An Introduction to Poetry (with MyLiteratureLab)' 'Journeys in sunlight' 'Daily horoscope' 'An Introduction to Fiction' 'Handbook of Literary Terms' 'Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama' 'On being a California poet' -- subject(s): Poets, Poetry, Poetry of places 'The Art of the Short Story' 'An Introduction to Fiction/Includes 1995 Mla Guidelines' 'Twentieth Century American Poetry'

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What is the differences of the dialog between drama and fiction?

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