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Some similes from the book "Lion: A Long Way Home" include comparing a character's eyes to pools of water and another character's voice to a jackhammer. These similes help paint vivid and descriptive images for the reader.

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Q: What are some similes from the book lion a long way home?
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A Sea Lion is 30 inches long at birth

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No, no lion can live that long

Does lion have a long or short vowel sound?

The word "lion" has a short vowel sound.

Does lion is having a long vowel sound?

No, the word "lion" does not have a long vowel sound. The "i" in "lion" is pronounced with a short vowel sound, similar to the "i" in "bin" or "spin".

How long does it take a lion to be born?

The gestation period for a lion is about 110 days.

Is a lion bigger than a puma?

Yes. A male lion is usually about 9ft long and weighs 180kg A male puma (couger) is usually about 8ft long and weighs about 150kg

How long do you have to get help after bitten by a lion?

It depends how big the lion was, where it bit you, and how hard it bit you.