In Book 2 of The Odyssey, omens primarily involve a series of signs revealed to the suitors in the form of birds. These omens signify the impending doom and punishment that Zeus has in store for the suitors due to their disrespect towards Odysseus and his household. The omens serve as a warning of the divine retribution that will befall the suitors for their actions.
The eagle who swoops down and steals a goose. It is seen as an omen saying that Odysseus is going to take down the suitors and take revenge. Look at top of page 325.
The Oddysey is one book. The other, related, book is the Iliad.
He is the smoothsayer and fortune teller at the town meeting in book 2
Fading echoes
no its a big chapter book and the movie is around 2 hours
no its a big chapter book and the movie is around 2 hours
how am i supossed to know? (sorry about the misspelling... not my fault!)
read the book
Birds have been seen throughout time and with many different cultures as symbols. Eagles, which are quite prominent within The Odyssey, symbolize courage, independence and endurance. Throughout The Odyssey, birds are utilized numerous times as representation of omens, which, in turn, foreshadow events to come.
In the Odyssey book, they are people who are basically fortune tellers or prophets.
An eagle with a white goose flew overhead and it was seen as an omen that Odysseus would have revenge. Later in the same chapter, a hawk is seen as an omen.