I Loved Her So Much, My Heart Was Addicted To Her!
Romeo is portrayed as being totally besotted with Rosaline to the point where he is lovesick and moping because he cannot have his way with her. This literary device of exaggerating his character and behaviour introduces Romeo to us as a sex-mad teenager who will go to any lengths, including gate-crashing a Capulet party, to satisfy his desires. Little wonder he falls madly in love with 13 year old Juliet at first sight and is willing to face death to sleep with her and ultimately to commit suicide when he thinks she is dead.
I Loved Her So Much, My Heart Was Addicted To Her!
An example of a hyperbole is in chapter 5, when snowball says "Napoleon is always right". No one is completely right 100% of the time.
I was so confused I was going to flip out!
this tree is 75 feet tall. that's a hyperbole
There are three examples of hyperbole on page 16
A hyperbole is a statement of extreme exaggeration to show emphasis.
big jessica
My feet are killing me
Fantasia BitterSweet
The sun was bright like a flashlight.The golden sand.Wwll... that all i can think off now. would it help?
when you s. u.c.k. dat d.i.c.k.
A hyperbole is an exaggeration. Examples: I am so hungry I could eat a cow! I've been waiting in line for centuries!