Nouns with O : do (hairdo)
Nouns with OE : shoe
Nouns with OO : boo, coo, moo (sounds), loo (slang for toilet)
Nouns with OU : coup, choux, roux
Nouns with U : flu
Nouns with UE : blue (color), due (credit), flue, glue, hue, queue
Nouns with EW : brew, crew, dew, ewe, few (pronoun), Jew, pew, screw, shrew, slew, stew, view, yew
Nouns that rhyme with friend:Legend: nounRear-end: noun
The nouns 'rhyme' and 'alliteration' are both singular, common, abstract nouns; words for the a specific use of words.
how about rind
dirty wordy purty
Some nouns that are synonyms for the noun boy are:childmaleoffspringyouthsonSome nouns that rhyme with the noun boy are: joyploysoytoyTroy
Buoy and Suey (as in Chop Suey).
Type your answer here... starch, march
Rhyming Words For It are:brownclowncrowndowntowndrownface downfrowngownnountownrenownrundowntouchdownuptownpronounVisit: What_rhymes_with_down
Both "rhyme" and "rhythm" are nouns. "Rhyme" refers to words that have similar sounds at the end, while "rhythm" refers to a pattern of sounds and stresses in language or music.
To me it's always been a fabulous incomprehensibility, that more people don't rhyme the word "interdenominationalistically".