A Sonnet typically consists of 14 lines, written in iambic pentameter. It traditionally follows a specific rhyme scheme, such as ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. Sonnets often explore themes of love, beauty, and the passage of time.
A sonnet has fourteen lines. A sonnet is like a poem.
Sonnet Noel Whitaker was born on October 3, 1996.
Sonnet 18 and sonnet 116
It is also called the English sonnet. The other form is the Italian sonnet, or petrarchan sonnet.
Shakespeare used several poetic forms, notably the long narrative poem (in Venus and Adonis) and the sonnet. All of these poetic forms are in iambic pentameter. The narrative poems consist of a number of stanzas each with an ababcc scheme. The sonnets are generally in a ababcdcdefefgg scheme.
Sonnet 130
It is a petrarchan sonnet, made out of an octave and a sestet.
If you mean William Shakespeare's sonnet 73, it is not surprisingly a Shakespearean sonnet.
Shakespeare's sonnet 130 is a Shakespearean sonnet in terms of rhyme scheme. Its meter is iambic pentameter, and its tone is satirical.
the English sonnet