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The speaker enquired from the soft falling shower as to who or what it really is? Though it may appear to be very strange to express it in words, yet the soft rain seemed to give the speaker an answer which can be translated as follows: that it is the poem of the earth that rises eternally from an impalpable; not palpable; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch; intangible: difficult for the mind to grasp readily or easily:(of powder) so fine that when rubbed between the fingers no grit is felt; something that cannot be touched; portion of the land and the bottomless sea. Upward to heaven, to the immeasurable heights of the sky, from whence it vaguely forms, altogether change and yet the same.

It descends to lave; (of a river, sea, etc.) to flow along, against, or past; wash: Obsolete. To ladle; pour or dip with a ladle: wash or bathe; the droughts; a period of dry weather, esp. a long one that is injurious to crops: an extended shortage; atomies; tiny particles; and the dust layers of the globe. All that is in the world without the rain were only seeds that are latent; hidden; and unborn. Eternally, day and night, and round the clock, it gives back life to its own origin, to make the earth pure and beautify it. (For song, issuing from its birth place, after fulfillment, wandering Reck'd or unreck'd, duly with love returns); to have care, concern, or regard (often fol. by of, with, or a clause): to take heed: Archaic . To be of concern or importance; matter.

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14y ago
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6mo ago

"Voice of the Rain" is a poem by Walt Whitman that personifies rain as a speaker with a soothing and gentle voice. The rain is depicted as a messenger of peace and renewal, bringing comfort and inspiration to those who listen. Whitman celebrates the beauty and power of nature through the imagery of the rain's voice.

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12y ago

rain is important for us it beautifies nature n sorroundings

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11y ago

What does the poet ask to the rain?why is he surprised

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11y ago

personification of rain

paradox in "i give back life to my own origin"

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