Profoundly is a adverb.
The word profoundly is an adverb. It means to do something in a profound manner.
Ti desidero profondamente is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I desire you profoundly."Specifically, the pronoun ti means "(informal singular) you." The verb desidero means "(I) am desiring, desire, do desire." The adverb profondamente means "profoundly."The pronunciation is "tee deh-SEE-deh-roh proh-FOHN-dah-MEHN-teh."
The adverb for the adjective intense is intensely. It means in an intense or concentrating manner.A related adjective is intensive, with the adverb form intensively.
Jean and Mitch were not prepared for the news that their little girl was profoundly deaf.
We are profoundly happy that you asked this question. The disabled child is profoundly aware that she's different from the other kids in her classroom. It is miraculous that a profoundly deaf man could write such beautiful music.
It is profoundly unconscious that you would say that about others.
Writing sentences feels profoundly tiring.She seemed profoundly sad.Profoundly awkward in social situations, the man could not find a woman to date.
The original assumptions turned out to be profoundly wrong. By the age of fifty, Beethoven was profoundly deaf, but he continued to compose great music.
One could use the world profoundly in a sentence such as this, "Marsha's family felt the loss profoundly." Profoundly means to a great depth, so using that theory in the above sentence the family felt the loss to a great depth.
The profoundly retarded need a high level of structure and supervision.
For profoundly as in "to a great depth psychologically:" The death of her sister moved her profoundly. "Profound / profoundly" is also used to describe non-emotional concepts or degrees of importance. E.g. "Newton's research had a profound effect on the development of mathematics and physics.", meaning he had advanced both sciences in very important ways.