The word adjusted has three syllables.
Just 2!Biggest has two syllables.
there are just two syllables in aqua i.e a/qua
Denominator has five syllables, not just two. So it is not possible to find THE two syllables.
Just one.
just two
Yes, "vague" has two syllables. It is pronounced as vay-g.
There are two syllables in the word colored.If you are having trouble with syllables,just clap your hands and say the word.That should help!
un-wrap just two
The word owls has two syllables. The syllables in the word are ow-ls.
just one, its |drink| not |dri-nk| so just one
two (although syllables are based on pronunciation, so if you have an exaggerated accent, you might throw in a couple more... this is just for the standard pronunciation) Some-times are the two syllables.