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No, it is an idiom because you can't tell what it means by trying to define it literally. Hyperbole is exaggeration - an example would be "It was raining so much we had to row a boat to work."

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3mo ago

Yes, the statement "it was raining cats and dogs" is a hyperbole because it exaggerates the intensity of the rain by comparing it to something absurd (cats and dogs falling from the sky). Additionally, the promise of "more of the same" for the next day reinforces the hyperbolic nature of the statement.

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Q: Is it was raining cats and dogs and more of the same was promised for the next day a hyperbole?
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Is raining cats and dogs a simile or a hyperbole which is an exaggeration?

The phrase "it's raining cats and dogs!" is hyperbole.

What is a rain hyperbole?

Its raining cats and dogs!

What is the figurative language for it was raining cats and dogs?

No, hyperbole is an exaggeration. "Raining hard enough to wash the town away" would be hyperbole. "Raining cats and dogs" is an idiom because it makes no sense when you translate it literally.

Is it was raining cats and dogs and more of the same was promised for the next day a simile?

No, A Simile uses AS (or like) to make a comparison. For example, "It was raining as much as it did in Noah's time."

When you use an expression like raining cats and dogs you are using?

"It's raining cats and dogs" is an idiom.

What does raining cat and dogs mean?

Raining cats and dogs mean that it's raining very hard

Is 'its raining cats and dogs' an example of personification?

No! 'its raining cats and dogs' is an Idiom.

When do cats fall from the sky?

There is an expression - "raining cats and dogs". This does not mean that cats and/or dogs are literally falling from the sky, it simply means that it is raining very hard.

Under what headword would you find the idiom raining cats dogs?

under what headword would you find the idiom raining cats and dogs?

Has it ever rained cats and dogs?

No, the phrase "raining cats and dogs" is an idiom that means raining heavily. It has never happened literally.

What mythology can you found the idiomatic expression its raining cats and dogs?

It is raining heavily

What is its raining cats and dogs origins?

In olden times people threw rubbish into the street. In amongst the rubbish would be cats and dogs which would be washed along the street during heavy rain. Hence raining cats and dogs. Of course, they are not literally raining from above!