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Yes because it is a montrous fire breathing animal which an probabaly kill people

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6mo ago

Chimeras are mythical creatures typically portrayed as having a mix of different animal parts, often with a lion's head, goat's body, and serpent's tail. In ancient mythology, chimeras were seen as dangerous and fearsome creatures, symbolizing chaos and destruction.

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Sentence work the word chimera?

Chimera is a mythological character that breathes fire. This is a sentence that uses the word chimera.

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Chimera oddly enough was female.

Who killed the Chimera in Greek Mythology?

Bellaphron killed the chimera

When was King Chimera created?

King Chimera was created in 2009.

When was Chimera - comics - created?

Chimera - comics - was created in 1996.

When was Chimera Entertainment created?

Chimera Entertainment was created in 2006.

How was the greek chimera created?

Chimera was a daughter of Typhaon and Echidna.

In Yusef Komunyakaa's Camouflaging the Chimera what is a chimera?

A mythological creature.

What is Percy's fatal mistake battling the chimera?

he tried to slash the chimera with his sword but it harmlessly sparked off the chimera's dog collar, causing him to loose balance and get hit with the chimera's tail.

What is Percy's fatal mistake while battling the Chimera?

he tried to slash the chimera with his sword but it harmlessly sparked off the chimera's dog collar, causing him to loose balance and get hit with the chimera's tail.