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The pilgrims were escaping England for religious freedom.

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The Pilgrim Fathers sought religious freedom in the New World, facing difficulties such as harsh weather, limited resources, and conflicts with indigenous peoples. The poem highlights their struggle for freedom and the challenges they encountered in establishing a new settlement in a foreign land.

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Q: In the poem Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England the poet presents the issues of freedom and difficulty. What did they have to do with the pilgrims' journey?
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Who were the English protestents who wanted to withdraw the Church of England?

I think you mean the Pilgrim Fathers

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What early colonist came to new England to practice their religious beliefs?

They were the Pilgrim Fathers. They had traveled from Plymouth, England in the Mayflower (name of the ship), to Cape Cod , Massachusetts in 1620. They were separatists from the Church of England.

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The Pilgrim Fathers traveled on the Mayflower

Who are the pilgrims fathers?

The Pilgrim fathers were individuals who were persecuted for their religion and sailed to the 'New land' of America in search of a new life.

Where did pilgrim fathers leave from?

In 1608 the pilgrim fathers left England to America

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Pioneers or pilgrim fathers

Where did the pilgrim father's come from?

The Pilgrim Fathers originated from England and later settled in the Netherlands before ultimately sailing to North America on the Mayflower in 1620. They sought religious freedom and the ability to practice their beliefs away from the constraints imposed by the Church of England.

Who established the Plymouth colony in 1620?

The Pilgrims, aka Pilgrim Fathers, landed at Plymouth Rock (Massachusetts) in 1620. They were mostly Brownist English Dissenters, who (while generally Calvinist in their beliefs) wanted to be separate from the Church of England.

Why did the pilgrim fathers leave holland?

The same as other pilgrims, because of being persecuted for their religion

Why were men called Pilgrim fathers?

The Pilgrims were a group of religious separatists who left England seeking religious freedom and a means of maintaining a distinct communal identity. It was the Pilgrims (literally meaning travelers) who landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, and began the European settlement of that region of what is now the United States. They are called the Pilgrim Fathers because they were the parents (biologically at first but later only in a general historical sense) of most of the population who came to live in that region.

Why did the Pilgrims want to settle in America?

WRONG ANSWER BELOW the Pilgrims and the Purtians came to America to escape the state religion of England. Religions that didn't follow the Church of England were discriminated against and the people who practiced the religion were arrested. They wanted to be able to practice their religion without harassment from the government. This is one reason the founding fathers were careful when they wrote the constitution to keep a separation of church and state. They didn't want a government state religion.