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The Bard used a lot of symbolism,Imagery and allegory in the telling of The Odyssey.

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Dixie Langosh

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 6mo ago

The bard in telling The Odyssey would likely have used oral storytelling techniques, such as rhythm, repetition, and imagery, to captivate the audience and ensure memorability. These techniques were essential for keeping listeners engaged and aiding in the transmission of the epic narrative from generation to generation.

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Q: In telling the odyssey which technique would bard have used?
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In telling The Odyssey which technique would a bard have used?

The Bard used a lot of symbolism,Imagery and allegory in the telling of the Odyssey.

What technique would a bard have used to tell the odyssey?

repeating key phrases and descriptions

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