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No but in season 1 of Merlin we feel a strong attraction between Arthur and Morgana they also flirted with each other , traided insults and most importantly they care for each other we first see all this in the beginning of season 1 but the writers deceided to change the whole attraction between them now they want to make it more like sibling rivalry since Morgana is eventually going to turn evil also the writers want to focus more on Arthur and Gwen. I know how you feel Arthur and Morgana belong together but now thanks to the writers they will never be!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(

Morgana turns evil because she is a witch, and he likes arthur, wehn she found out that arthur loves Gwen, she soon turns into evil, and most of all arthur kiss Gwen for the first time, that proves that arthur loves Gwen and not morgana

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In some versions of the Arthurian legend, there are stories suggesting a romantic connection between King Arthur and Morgan le Fay, but this varies depending on the source material. Overall, their relationship is often portrayed as complex, with elements of animosity, respect, and familial ties rather than straightforward romantic love.

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Q: In Merlin did Arthur and Morgan fall in love?
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Morgana in the TV series, Merlin, is said to be King Uther's ward, But really in the legend she is Arthur's evil step sister Morgan La Feye. In the first series there is some suspision into whether Arthur and Morgana fancy/love each other and the same with Merlin! But soon after Arthur is in love with Guinevere which is in the Arturian Legend. So that leaves Merlin but soon after in late Season 3 and 4, She is evil and hates both of them.So, Morgana loves niether Arthur nor Merlin.

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On the TV series Merlin, Gwen loves Arthur because of the type of person he is. His status has no bearing on her feelings for him at all.

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if your talking about Arthur it has said that he marries Gwen.thats if your talking about the show on ten.

Who does Merlin fall in love with?

No one knows. Yet.

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Guinivere, Merlin , Lancelot, Percival Camelot, the Bear, prydwyn, Cavall, Mordred, Morgan le Fey.... depends on what you are talking about, love. Friends? Foes? objects (such as his ship, the Prydwyn) nicknames for himself? -Phoenix

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um . . . he doesn't! the trap was to fall in love with Arthur's wife the queen. He fell in love with her. Arthur banished them from Camelot but they were still welcome in Albion. they both fought with Arthur against Mordred. Lancelot died in the battle and the queen is welcomed back into Camelot and becomes the new ruler.

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Arthur was always in love with his wife Guinevere. When she held an affair with Lancelot, Arthur was stuck in a love triangle, his brotherly love for Lancelot, and his romantic love for Guinevere. He died during the fall of his kingdom, which was when the Lancelot Guinevere love triangle was at its peak. Needless to say, he only loved Guinevere.

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Uther Pendragon, the King of England, was deeply in love with Igraine of Cornwall. Uther's assistant, Merlin, a magician, promised that they would be married if Uther gave Merlin a son. So, Uther and Igraine fell in love and had Arthur who was sent to live with Sir Ector for safety and because Uther was going to die.

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Molly loved Arthur Weasley.

If you love colin Morgan how can you meet up with him?

Colin Morgan is 24 years old he has been in Dr who midnight playing Jethro and has played his part with Catherine Tate but he is mainly known for his part as Merlin in Merlin. he is a fab actor with a great sense of humour!!

What did King Arthur do with Excalibur?

king arthur, when he died, left excalibur to none other than Merlin. Merlin took excalibur back to the place it was forged, the place where lady guenivere and lancelot betrayed arthur. but, it has only been discovered recently, for Merlin even forgot the secret. but, that's where it lies, but it can only be drawn by one with courage and love in their heart.

Will Gwen end up with Arthur in Merlin?

Gwen really falls in love with Arthur because she thinks that he has become a changed man with humility and compassion so she starts to fall for him. It is true that when Lancelot was around, she was more hesitant to show her love for Arthur but for example, when she hurt Arthur she felt very bad. This shows that she still cares for Arthur even in the presence of Lancelot. SO, don't worry all you ArWen lovers. I think Gwen really loves Arthur though it is not confirmed who she ends up with- Arthur or Lancelot.