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It is the metre of Shakespeare- the iambic pentametre

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3mo ago

John Keats's "On the Sonnet" consists of 14 lines and is structured as an Italian sonnet, which includes an octave (8 lines) followed by a sestet (6 lines). It does not consist of quatrains, which are four-line stanzas typically found in poems like William Shakespeare's sonnets.

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What is true about Shakespearean sonnet?

Shakespearean sonnets have three quatrains and a couplet.

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"Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art" by Keats is a sonnet.

How are Shakespearean sonnets different from Italian?

A Shakespearean sonnet is made up of 3 quatrains, or a set of 4 lines, followed up with a couplet (2 lines.) An Italian or Petrarchan sonnet has the same total amount of lines (14) but is instead broken up into two quatrains and then two tercets (a set of 3 lines)

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Generally speaking, the first two quatrains set up a situation which the final sestet resolves.

What is the synonym for sonnet?

Well, a sonnet is a poem of exactly 14 lines. There is no exact synonym, but I suppose "poem" comes closest. Sonnets are usually 3 quatrains and a couplet, but sometimes and octet plus a sestet. But that probably doesn't help with synonyms.

What is the structure of the poem 'Bright Star would I were stedfast as thou art'?

It's an English (not an Italian) sonnet consisting of 3 quatrains and a final rhyming couplet.

What is the name for the type of poem that is made up of fourteen lines of rhyming iambic pentameter and whose lines are organized into three quatrains and a closing couplet?

Shakespearian Sonnent

What is the name of the three four line rhyming unit used in a sonnet?

Quatrains. Sonnets are usually dived into either eight then six lines, called an octave and sestet, or into four quatrains and a couplet. The first structure is more common in Petrachan sonnets, also known as Italian sonnets, the second in Shakespearean.

What is the rhyme scheme of sonnet?

There are several types of sonnets, but the most widely-known is the Shakespearean Sonnet, which is always written in iambic pentameter. This sonnet form is comprised of three quatrains and a rhyming couplet at the end.The rhyme scheme is:Stanza/Quatrain 1: ABABStanza/Quatrain 2: CDCDStanza/Quatrain 3: EFEFCouplet (two lines): GGShakespeare's sonnets are usually ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.

What is On First Looking into Chapman's Homer about?

Keats's sonnet is about the emotional power of art, in this case a new translation of Homer. He's basically saying "I've seen a lot of cool stuff, but this blows my mind."

Shakespearean sonnet what is it?

i think its the 'beat' if the sonnet and how many words are in a sonnet. But it isn't. What makes it a Shakespearean sonnet is the rhyme scheme which is ababcdcdefefgg. The 'beat' of all sonnets in English is iambic pentameter, and it doesn't matter how many words there are.