The monster, Grendel, is sneaking into Hrothgar's palace at night and killing all of his men.
14 represents all of the 7 deadly sins, twice
A senence for torture is: The people in a long time ago had to torture men or even women who did something bad
Beowulf and his men travel to Hrothgar's kingdom to kill Grendel.
Grendel is said to have killed 30 men in the epic poem "Beowulf," but the exact number of men he ate is not specified.
Yes, they did. The Related Question explains why.
The men were sleeping after celebrating in the Mead Hall. Grendel attacked them while they were unaware and defenseless, resulting in a horrific massacre.
Blood vengeance in Beowulf is portrayed as a key motivation for characters seeking revenge for the death of a loved one. Examples include Beowulf's vow to seek vengeance for the attacks of Grendel and his mother, as well as Wiglaf's response to Beowulf's death by avenging him against the dragon. This theme reflects the importance of honor, loyalty, and the cycle of violence in the society depicted in the epic.
Grendel killed 30 men the first night he attacked Heorot Hall.
Grendel is able to kill 30 of Beowulf's men in the mead-hall, Heorot.
The first verbal exchange between Unferth and Grendel
The first verbal exchange between Unferth and Grendel