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It is generally recommended to wait at least 2 weeks before walking on a newly laid sod to allow the roots to establish and the grass to set. Make sure the sod is firmly rooted before walking on it to prevent damage.

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Q: How long before you can walk on your sod?
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How long before you can walk on new sod?

Sod can be palletized for different amounts of time depending on the weather. Always, order the sod when you are ready to install and get in on the ground as fast as possible to ensure quality and chances of survival. In the winter months, dormant sod may be palletized for days with no issues. In the summertime when sod is green and growing, sod may start to yellow in a day in extreme heat. Normally it is suggested between 12 and 24 hours depending on the sod and weather.

How long do you have to take pantoprazole sod before it becomes effective?

30 minutes before meal

How long til you mow new sod?

Just long enough for the the new sod to sink it with the dirt. This would make the worms highly enjoy the new sod then after that take up the sod in the middle ofnthe lawn and plant a tree for the best growth of sod.

How is sod related to a Plains Indian lodge?

Sod is related to lodge because sod grows on lodges in the plains.

How long does it take before you can walk after ankle surgery?

I say it's around 71/2 weeks before you can walk again.

How late into winter can you lay sod?

As long as you can work the ground you can install fescue/bluegrass. Can ZOYZIA sod be placed in January ?

What words can go before walk?

Some words that can go before "walk" are "take," "go for," "enjoy a," "long," "short," "power," and "brisk."

Do you really need black dirt before you lay out the sod in the Minneapolis area?

It would be a good idea to put down black dirt before you lay sod in any area.

How long before you can walk after knee op?

After a knee operation, you should expect to wait about 6 to 8 weeks before you can walk again. Some people may find that they are able to walk before that, with help.

How long do you have to lay sod down before it dies?

In the summer 24 hours from harvest. In the winter we have gone as long as 2 weeks with no problems. Just remember the cooler the weather the longer the shelf life.

How do you eliminate weeds before laying a lawn?

Treating with a pre-emergent herbicide before topping the soil with sod is a way to eliminate weeds before laying a lawn. Selective and post-emergent herbicides may be applied once the sod is in place.

How tall and wide are sod houses?

Construction of a sod house involved cutting patches of sod in rectangles, often 2'×1'×6" (600×300×150mm) long, and piling them into walls. Builders employed a variety of roofing methods. Sod houses accommodate normal doors and windows.