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A poem of four lines is called a quatrain. It is a common form in poetry that often follows a specific rhyme scheme or metrical pattern. Quatrains can be found in various types of poems, including sonnets and ballads.

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Q: How is A poem of four lines is a(n)?
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What is a couplet quatrain?

A quatrain is, in poetry, a specific type of poem. There are not many rules to follow, and writing a quatrain is fairly simple. The quatrain contains just four lines. That's it and that's all the rules for writing a quatrain.

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A poem with four lines is called Quatrain

A poem of four lines is?

A quatrain.

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a quatrain is a poem with 4 lines

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A poem with four lines is called Quatrain

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A quatrain which means "four" in both Latin and French is a poem or stanza of four lines.

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A quatrain is a stanza or poem of four lines. It can follow various rhyme schemes and be written in various meters. Each quatrain can function as a stand-alone verse or be part of a larger poem.

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A stanza is a group of lines in a poem that are separated by spaces. The number of lines in a stanza can vary, and it doesn't have to be specifically three lines.

Quatrainwhich means in both Latin and French is a poem or stanza of lines?


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The first four lines of the poem set the tone and introduce the central theme or idea. They often provide context for the rest of the poem and serve as an entry point for readers to understand the poet's perspective or emotion.