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The Society views the man with the hoe with respect and dignity for his labor and contributions to society. His hard work is often valued and appreciated.

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Q: How does the society treat man with the hoe?
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"The Man with the Hoe" is a painting created in 1862 by French artist Jean-François Millet. It depicts a tired and stooped farmer holding a hoe and is a powerful representation of the struggles of the working class.

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The Man with the Hoe - 1914 was released on: USA: 15 November 1914

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The man with the hoe poem by Edwin Markham addresses all oppressed and exploited workers who toil endlessly without being recognized for their contributions to society. It highlights the injustices and hardships faced by laborers and calls for social change and equality for all.

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The painting evokes out the laboring of much of humanity using the symbolism of a laborer leaning upon his hoe, burdened by his work, but receiving little rest and reward.

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What is the message of the poem The Man With The hoe?

ujhjygv th

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