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Tumbleweed seeds travel by getting trapped in the plant's dried, spherical structure, and are then carried by wind gusts. As the tumbleweed rolls across the landscape, the seeds are dispersed and can germinate in new locations.

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Q: How do tumbleweed's seed travel?
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Are tumbleweeds considered a plant?

Tumbleweeds are a plant. When it is very dry, the plant dries out and blows with the wind. This allows the plant to spread its seed to a new location.

What has the author Tom K Ryan written?

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What are tumbleweeds?

Tumbleweeds are made up twigs and straw and dust what mainly rumble around western towns.AnswerIn the western US, most tumbleweeds are individual plants of the Salsola genus, part of the Chenopodiaceae family. When mature, the mostly dried up plant gets broken free from its roots by the wind or some other mechanism, and blows free to spread its seed as it rolls.

Are tumbleweeds in Australia?

Parts of Australia certainly do have tumbleweeds.

When was Tumbling Tumbleweeds created?

Tumbling Tumbleweeds was created in 1934.

When was Tumbleweeds released?

Tumbleweeds was released on 11/24/1999.

What was the Production Budget for Tumbleweeds?

The Production Budget for Tumbleweeds was $312,000.

How much money did Tumbleweeds gross worldwide?

Tumbleweeds grossed $1,788,168 worldwide.

Do tumbleweeds live in the desert?

Yes, tumbleweeds live in the desert, especially in disturbed areas.

How much money did Tumbleweeds gross domestically?

Tumbleweeds grossed $1,350,248 in the domestic market.

Is there a Tumbleweeds in Hawaii?


What are the release dates for Rovin' Tumbleweeds - 1939?

Rovin' Tumbleweeds - 1939 was released on: USA: 16 November 1939