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Beowulf ventures into Grendel's Mere. Grendels mother senses the presence of Beowulf and immediately attacks.

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Beowulf followed Grendel's mother's tracks to her underwater lair after she attacked Heorot. He dove into the lake and ultimately battled and killed her with the help of a magical sword he found in her lair.

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What did Beowulf do after beheading grendels mother?

he dies later on

Why does Beowulf fight grendels mother?

Under water, where Grendel's mother lived.

In the book Beowulf what does grendels mom give Beowulf?

She gave Beowulf Grendels claw.

Why does the dragon in Beowulf become angry an scorch the countryside?

The dragon is beowulfs song which most people don't' know cause it doesn't really tell you... and the golden horn Beowulf got from the king is a symbol. If Grendels mother has it he shall not attach but it soon comes back to it's owner and it comes back to Beowulf when he becomes king. So Beowulf and Grendels mother got to gather and he gave her another son, he just couldn't help it. so Beowulf really doesn't kill Grendels mother he just says he does.....

Why was it harder for Beowulf to kill Grendels's mother than Grendel himself?

While Grendel's mother is hard for Beowulf to defeat, he IS able to use a sword, where as he has to battle Grendel bare handed.

How does grendel defeat grendels mother?

Beowulf fights Grendel's mother, and kills her. He kills her with a sword that was made by giants, and he splits her into two.

What are the 3 conflcits in Beowulf?

Fighting Grendel, Grendels mother and the dragon once he returns home to Geatland and is crowned king.

Why do you think grendels mother takes his claw?

Grendel's mother takes his claw as a form of revenge against Beowulf for killing her son. It serves as a symbolic gesture to challenge Beowulf and his companions and to further escalate the conflict between them.

How does Grendels mother mourn the death of her son?

Grendel's mother mourns the death of her son by seeking revenge on Beowulf, who killed him. She attacks Heorot in search of retaliation, ultimately resulting in a battle with Beowulf himself.

Was Angelina Jolie naked in Beowulf?

Actually, no. The film is animated and though they used Angelina's face, movements, and voice, it was not her body.

Where did Beowulf and Grendel's mother fight?

Beowulf and Grendel's mother fought in her underwater lair at the bottom of a dark, eerie mere (a kind of lake). The battle took place in the depths of the water, adding to the suspense and danger of the encounter.

What emotion is shared by Beowulf and Grendels mother based on their actions?

Both Beowulf and Grendel's mother are driven by revenge. Beowulf seeks revenge for Grendel's attacks on Heorot, while Grendel's mother seeks revenge for her son's death. Their actions are fueled by a desire to seek retribution for perceived wrongs, making revenge a shared emotion between them.