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the city was wrapped in a blanket of snow

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7mo ago
  1. "Winter whispered through the trees, sending shivers down their spines."
  2. "The snowflakes danced in the moonlight, painting the world in silver."
  3. "The icy wind howled its lonely song, echoing through the barren landscape."
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Q: Give examples of personification poems about the winter?
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Why is personification used in poems?

Personification is used in poems to give human-like qualities to objects, animals, or abstract concepts. This helps to create vivid and imaginative imagery, making the poem more engaging for the reader. Personification can also help convey emotions, themes, or ideas in a more relatable and accessible way.

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In the book "Homeless Bird" by Gloria Whelan, examples of personification include describing the monsoon rains as "angry," the wind as "whispering secrets," and the trees as "whispering prayers." Personification is used to give human qualities to non-human elements, creating vivid imagery and emotional resonance in the story.

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What are some examples of personification in music?

Some basic examples are: The sun kissed the flowers. The wind was whistling. The light was dancing. Personification is a tool of figurative language that give human-like qualities to nonhuman things. Be careful not to get metaphors and personifications mixed up! Sometimes one can seem like the other.

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Personification means to give non-human objeccts human characteristics.

Can you give me personification with computer in it?

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