Not according to how I pronounce the words, no. But rhyme depends on the way you say it, so if you say "earst" instead of "earth" or "burth" rather than "burst," then you could make them rhyme.
Some words that rhyme with Thursday are first day, worst day, and burst day.
=Words that rhyme with first:==thirst==burst, hurst==cursed==Words that rhyme with for:==boar , soar==door, poor==bore, core, fore, more, pore==caw, haw, jaw, law, maw=
Words that rhyme with first include: Thirst, burst, worst, cursed, immersed, nursed, pursed, bratwurst, reversed, traversed, versed, submersed, coerced, rehearsed
Beyblade burst first came out in July 15 2015
The poet uses an ABAB rhyme scheme in the first 8 lines of the poem. This means that the first and third lines rhyme, as do the second and fourth lines.
End rhymes that present a pattern are called rhyme schemes. Common rhyme schemes are AABB (where the first two lines rhyme with each other and the next two lines rhyme with each other), ABAB (where the first and third lines rhyme, and the second and fourth lines rhyme), and AAAA (where all lines rhyme with each other).
first come first serve process burst time