"Pooled" or "fooled" would rhyme with "cruel."
Yes, "fool" and "cruel" rhyme, unless you pronounce cruel like "crew-el." ... If so, they wouldn't. To me, they rhyme, but it depends on pronunciation. Here are some other words that should rhyme with them: cool drool ghoul jewel pool stool spool school tool
No, fool does not rhyme with more. Some words that rhyme with more are:chorecoredoorfloorgorepourroarshoresnorestoreWords that rhyme with fool are cool, crewel, cruel, pool, school, or tool.
30 words rhyme with yule.Some words that rhyme with yule:CoolCruelDroolDuelFerruleFeruleFoolFuelGhoulJewelMinisculeMinusculeMisruleMoleculeMuleOverrulePlayschoolPoolPuleRetoolRidiculeRuleSchoolSpoolStoolToolTulleUncoolVestibuleYou'll
The following rhyme with gruel: cruel, duel, fuel, refuel. the following rhyme with grueling : refueling dueling
Rule, cool, cruel, drool, school, tool, fool, pool, who'll, you'll, and gruel rhyme with muel.
Some possible words:harsh (adjective) - mean, cruel, or difficulthorse (noun) - equine animalhearse (noun) - a funeral carriage or car
Steal Steel Peal Peel Reel Real Feel Surreal Congeal Reveal Appeal Zeal Heal Heel Meal Weal Veal Wheel
C Rescuer on horseback
cruel very cruel
Do not be cruel to animals.Why are you so cruel to me?Her actions were very cruel.
Cruel Cruel World was created on 2005-11-29.