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Yes, in the epic poem "Beowulf," Beowulf instructs Wiglaf to build a monument (a funeral pyre) by the sea so that his people will remember him and his legacy. Beowulf wants to be remembered as a warrior who bravely defended his people against evil.

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Q: Did Beowulf tell Wiglaf that he wants his burned-out funeral pyre to be a reminder to his people of his greatness?
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What does Beowulf tell Wiglaf that he wants his burned-out funeral pyre to be?

Beowulf tells Wiglaf that he wants his burned-out funeral pyre to be a landmark for sailors navigating the ocean, so they can call it Beowulf's Barrow.

What were Beowulf's reflected final wishes?

Beowulf's final wishes were to have his body burned on a funeral pyre and to have a tall tower built as a memorial for him as a reminder of his legacy and bravery.

What is the reason Beowulf wants to be buried in the sea?

In the epic poem "Beowulf," Beowulf requests to be buried at sea because he wants his final resting place to be a perpetual reminder of his prowess and bravery as a warrior. He wishes for his legacy to live on through the tales that will be told of his deeds across the ocean.

Was Beowulf cremated in a funeral fire?

Yes, according to the old English epic Beowulf, the hero Beowulf was cremated in a funeral pyre after his death. This was a common practice in ancient Germanic culture to honor and send off esteemed warriors.

How did this part of the epic poem Beowulf end?

The epic poem Beowulf ends with the hero Beowulf defeating the dragon but ultimately succumbing to his injuries. Before dying, Beowulf appoints Wiglaf as his successor and requests a funeral pyre be built in his honor. The poem concludes with Beowulf's funeral and praises his bravery and accomplishments as a legendary warrior.

Why will Hrothgar not hold a funeral if Beowulf dies?

Hrothgar refuses to hold a funeral for Beowulf because he believes that Beowulf will emerge victorious in the battle against the dragon and will survive. He has hope that Beowulf will return triumphant, so he does not want to prematurely mourn his death.

What happened to Beowulf after he died?

After Beowulf died, he was cremated and his body was placed in a barrow (burial mound). His funeral pyre was surrounded by treasures and weapons, and he was mourned by his people. Beowulf's story and heroic deeds continued to be celebrated in the form of epic poetry.

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caesars funerl orations were "::::: brutus concentrates on Caesar: mark Antony concentrates on romes greatness

Where was Beowulf's funeral?

Beowulf's funeral was held at Heorot, the great hall of King Hrothgar, after he was mortally wounded by a dragon. He was cremated on a funeral pyre and his ashes were buried in a barrow overlooking the sea as a mark of his heroic deeds.

Who was Shield Sheaf son in Beowulf?

Shield Sheafson in Beowulf is the father of Beowulf. He is the legendary founder of the Danish royal lineage and is portrayed as a great warrior and ruler.

What do Wiglaf and the other soldiers do with Beowulfs body according to his request?

They cremate Beowulf's body on a funeral pyre as per his request. Beowulf had asked to have his remains burned and be placed in a tower by the sea as a memorial for his people to remember him.

Was Scyld Schefing the king who died at the beginning of Beowulf?

Yes, Scyld Scefing is the legendary king who dies at the beginning of Beowulf. His funeral sets the stage for the epic tale that follows.