No, a Sonnet traditionally consists of 14 lines. The most common form is the Shakespearean or English sonnet, which follows a specific rhyme scheme and structure. Deviating from 14 lines would not be considered a sonnet in the traditional sense.
14 lines in a sonnet
Sonnets, by definition, are poems of 14 lines, that follow strict rhyming structures. If a poem has more or less lines, then it is not a sonnet.
This is a trick question. All sonnets have 14 lines
14 lines in a sonnet
There are always 14 lines in a sonnet.
A sonnet typically consists of 14 lines.
14 lines in a sonnet
A sonnet is a quatorzain, or a 14-line poem.
A sonnet is a poem with 14 lines in it.
A traditional English sonnet consists of 14 lines.
14 lines