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Milton's epic similes serve both functional and decorative purposes in his poetry. While they do provide ornamentation to his writing, they also serve to enrich the imagery and deepen the reader's understanding of the subject matter. Overall, they are essential in conveying the grandeur and scale of his epic narratives.

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Q: Are miltons epic similes more functional than decorative?
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What is John Miltons famous epic work?

Paradise Lost

What are epic similes in book 6 of the odyssey?


What are epic similes in book ten of the odyssey?

lines 449-461 of book ten.

How does one gain a deeper understanding of epic similes?

I think a great way to gain a better understanding of epic similes would be to take an English course. This way you'd have a professional there to not only teach you and give examples, but also answer any questions you may have.

How is an ordinary simile different from a epic simile?

An ordinary simile is a comparison using "like" or "as" that is relatively straightforward and brief, while an epic simile is a more elaborate comparison found in epic poetry that can extend over several lines or even multiple paragraphs. Epic similes typically use more exaggerated imagery and involve more elaborate descriptions than ordinary similes.

What did Homer have to do with the epic conventions in The Iliad?

Homer, as the author of The Iliad, established many of the epic conventions found in the poem, such as the invocation of the Muse, the use of epithets, and the inclusion of epic similes. His work set the standard for later epic poetry in ancient Greece.

What major event has happened before the beginning of john miltons epic paradise lost?

One major event before the beginning of John Milton's epic "Paradise Lost" is the War in Heaven, where Lucifer rebels against God and is cast out of Heaven along with his followers, who become the fallen angels. This rebellion sets the stage for the central conflict of the poem.

The long comparisons often found in epics?

Long comparisons in epics, known as epic similes or Homeric similes, serve to elaborate on events or characters by drawing parallels with everyday experiences or natural phenomena. They help evoke vivid imagery and emotion, enriching the narrative and providing depth to the storytelling. Though they can be lengthy, they contribute to the epic's grandeur and immersive quality.

What are epic poetry of main qualities?

The main qualities of epic poetry include a grand and heroic theme, a long and narrative structure, a focus on the exploits of legendary or mythic figures, and often a didactic or moral purpose. These poems are typically written in a formal style with elevated language and employ poetic devices such as epic similes and epithets.

In two extended similes, Hector and Achilles are compared to animals. Find these epic similes (Homeric similes). What comparisons are made in each simile?

The simile that best describes their characteristics begins in line 194 until line 198. Homer compares them to stallions as Achilles chases Hector around the city of Priam three times before Hector encounters Deiphobus, Hector’s brother, who Athena takes form of to deceive him

What is the difference between homeric similes and similes?

A Homerific or epic simile is a popular form of simile that composed of several lines. Homeric simile, The typically take the reader away from the current conflict at hand and focus on a past event. Simple simile, on the other hand, tends to be much shorter in length and much less detailed.

What are some examples of sentsnces using simile?

Epic simile, an extended simile elaborated in such detail or at such length as to eclipse temporarily the main action of a narrative work, forming a decorative digression. Usually it compares one complex action(rather than a simple quality or thing) with another: for example, the approach of an army with the onset of storm clouds. Sometimes called a Homeric simile after its frewuent use in Homer's epic poems, it was also used by Virgil, Milton, and others in their literary epics.