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Why not a struggle between alternate goods? Such struggles occur all the time. Maybe it's really conflict of will.

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6mo ago

While some conflicts in literature may be presented as a struggle between good and evil, it is important to recognize the nuances and complexities that can be portrayed in different works. Conflict in literature can also explore themes such as moral ambiguity, human nature, personal growth, or societal issues, which may not always fit into a simplistic good versus evil framework. It is often through these complexities that the richness and depth of characters and narratives are revealed.

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Q: All conflict in literature is in its simplest form a struggle between good and evil?
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What does all conflict in literature is in its simplest form a struggle between good and evil mean?

"All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil". This statement simplifies the idea that all themes and struggles in literature when broken down to their most basic forms are a conflict of good versus evil.

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The struggle between realistic and supernatural elements

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The definition for external conflict is a struggle between two characters. It can be a struggle between a character and an outside force.

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What is a common conflict in magical realist literature often leads the reader to the central theme of a story?

The struggle between realistic and supernatural elements

What is the struggle between the protagonist and an opposing force?

It is a conflict.

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The struggle between opposing forces?

It could be the word conflict.

What is an internal conflict in literature?

cool finnaly an answer i know, internal is like inside of somebody, only between who ever is having the conflict and not anybody else external is between two or more people hope that this helps u! :)

What is enternal conflict?

Internal conflict refers to a psychological struggle within a character's mind, often involving a decision or moral dilemma. This type of conflict is usually linked to the character's emotions, thoughts, or beliefs, creating tension and complexity in the story. It serves to develop the character and drive the plot forward.

What is a struggle between two characters in the story?

The struggle between two characters in a story is the problem or conflict.