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alas plebes nomas,

trae un carro nuevo,

andan de tras de uno las

hijas de su chingada madre,

y nomas anda en bicicleta y ni lo pelan.

hay le va pa todas las interesadas.!!

con un porte diferente,

abusado siempre al mil

eviando si hay peligro,

desconfiado asi naci.

fui trampero por mi infancia,

la vida me trato asi,

aveces tortias con sal,

hubo dias que ni comi.

antes contaba borralla,

aora puros cabezon,

antes de trampa en los bailes,

hoy me tocan en mis reuniones,

hasta me cantan corridos,

las grandes agrupaciones.

antes tenia qe ser cola,

hoy por la cocina entra el hombre,

moneda mata carita,

eso es mui cierto señores,

con buena moneda

a de ser, asi me disen mis amores,

mal encachado y buchon,

antes de ai no me bajaba,

ahora controla en el rancho,

ya no usa ropa usada,

hoy se desviven por el,

porque el viejon si arremanga,

echele parejito..!!!

y es la pura neta plebes..!!

a como es el nido es el arbol

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5mo ago

A Ballad is a type of poem that tells a story in short rhyming verses, often with refrains or repeated lines throughout. It typically narrates a tale of love, loss, adventure, or tragedy in a simple and melodic style. The repetition of key phrases or lines helps to emphasize the emotional impact of the story being told.

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Q: A poem that tells a story usually in short rhyming verses with frequent repetition?
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A poem that tells a story usually in short rhyming verses with frequent repetition of words or lines and is traditionally used in oral performances is best described as a?


A poem that tells a story usually in short rhyming verses with frequent repetition of words or lines and is traditionally used in oral performances is best described as an?


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a poem that tells a story, usually in short rhyming verses with frequent repetition of words or lines, which is traditionally used in oral performances.Ballad is best defined as a narrative set to music.

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it is repetition of a word or words at the beginning of two or more successive verses, clauses, or sentences hope that helps found it on dictionary .com

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This is a refrain or chorus.

Is lotus and bonus rhyming words?

Yeah, just use the words as verses, and then you can see if it rhymes. As came the death of the lotus, It gave another the living bonus So yeah

Is there any repetition in fireflies by owl city?

It really depends on what form of repetition you mean. The chorus is repeated multiple times throughout the song, but if you mean vocal repetition, (single words or phrases repeated consecutively) then no. Although there is a slight echo at the end of some verses. However, in the Fireflies Remix (on the Ocean Eyes Deluxe Version album) there is much vocal repetition.

What is it called when you determine the order of a rhyme in a poem?

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