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[1] Theoretically, they wouldn't. [2] But practically it depends upon soil health. Fertilizer applied to stressed or unhealthy soil mightn't be taken up by plant roots. In the case of the latter, for example, nitrogen needs to be in soluble form to be used by roots. Not enough soil moisture means enough nitrogen in soil, but not enough processable by plant parts. [3] And practically it depends upon soil pH. Soil can be acidic, neutral, or alkaline. Most plants grow in the neutral range of 6.0-6.5. Readings above that range are found in alkaline soils, below that range in acidic. Some pH readings other than neutral may make certain nutrients - other than fertilizer's nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium - available in soil, but not to plants. For example, alkaline soils may be iron deficient for plants.

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15y ago
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15y ago

No. There is little difference in the growth rates of plants grown with "natural" fertilizers or with man-made fertilizers. To the extent that there is a difference, the artificial fertilizers seem to be better.

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12y ago

No. Adding fertilizer does not affect on the speed of the plant growth. Fertilizer's job is to feed the plant, so the plant will have all nutrients it needs to grow.

If there is not enough of certain nutrients present, the plant growth may slow down and the plant might grow small and wither.

Giving too much of fertilizer you may do more harm than good, not necessarily to the plant you was trying to help grow, but the plant and animal life around it.

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11y ago

Yes, it makes a difference

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Q: Will plants with organic fertilizer grow faster?
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A mixture of organic and inorganic fertilizers is recommended.

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Corn syrup has sugars. Sugar can work as a fertilizer for plants. As long as you have not over fertilized, the plant will grow faster.

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actually it does grow faster but it also makes the plants unhealthy.

Do plants grow better in fertilizer or soil?

Plants grow better in soil that is rich in nutrients, which can be supplemented with fertilizer. Fertilizer provides plants with essential nutrients that may be lacking in the soil, promoting healthy growth and development. However, it is important to use fertilizer in moderation to avoid nutrient imbalances that could harm plant growth.

Can you fine the research for which plant will grow faster with fertilizer one in the dark and the other in the sunlight?

No research is necessary. Fertilizer or no fertilizer, the plant in the light will grow faster.

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Manure is one type of fertilizer. Manure needs to age or it can burn the plant. Some plants prefer time release fertilizer.

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chemical soil

What is the control variable in the experiment does adding fertilizer to plants allow them to grow faster?

The control variable in this experiment would be the plants that do not receive any fertilizer. By comparing the growth of plants with fertilizer to those without, researchers can determine the effect of adding fertilizer on plant growth.

How can a fertilizer help plants grow?

The fertilizer helps give nutrients to the plants growing in it. This means that they grow better or quicker.

Does a flower grow better with water salt water or salt water with fertilizer?

neither salt water or salt water with fertilizer is better because salt just kills the plants. although some plants grow faster with salt because of their salinity.

How has the fertilizer industry developed?

fertilizer how became more advance the have been able to grow plant much faster , and increase the sizes of plants. a fertilizer is a plant grow with specific chemicals that promote plant grow , over the years more stable chemicals have been added to increase the growth strength....