Aqatic plants are plants. They do not contain soil.
No. Dragonflies in water or on aquatic plants.
Hi Soil is the main source of nutrients and minerals for the plants. It also protects the plants from not getting uprooted.
Land plants require soil, sunlight, water and different nutrients to grow. Aquatic plants require the minerals and nutrients from in the water to grow.
Water is important for soil so that the soil can be health and grow plants!
it protect soil from soil erosion
It is important because the animals eat the plants grown out of the soil.
soil organisms are important because without the organisms there'd be no plants
No. Aquatic plants do not have gills. Aquatic vertebrates, such as fish, have gills.
Aquatic plants provide food and habitat for many animals such as fish and waterfowl. They provide soil stability, and keep ponds and lakes from eroding.
why are plant important for conseving aoil
Plants are very important in maintaining balance in our ecosystem. Carbon-di-oxide is very important for All plants including the aquatic type that take in carbon-di-oxide and release oxygen in the atmosphere. Carbon-di-oxide is very important for plants where as oxygen gas is crucial for human beings.