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Each crop uses a different combination of nutrients from the soil. Planting the same crop over and over uses up those nutrients so the crop will have less yield each year. Alternating crops allows the nutrients used by one crop to be replaced by a different crop.

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It can lead to the build-up of pathogens and pests and depletion of soil nutrients.

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It will take the goodness out of the soil for following crops and can cause disease in following crops.

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Q: Why same crops should not be sown year after year in same field?
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Rice and Bajra are Kharif crops or Monsoon crops. This crops are sown during rainy or monsoon season in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

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No. Corn is a grass, not a legume. It has the same properties of grass like the grass that grows in your lawn and the crops sown that are grasses themselves, such as oats, barley, wheat and rice.

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What do mean by kharif crops?

In the Indian Subcontinent, kharif crops are those which are sown in summer (i.e. monsoon season) and harvested in winter.For more info, visit the related link below.

What is the system for crop rotation?

It is when one species of crop is rotated with a different species of crop every year. For instance, a field that was planted with canola one year is planted with wheat another year. That same field may be sown into hay for a few years before being turned back to crop. This is so that the nutrients in the soil are not "mined" out of the soil to the point where crops cannot be grown anymore. Different crops have different nutrient needs than others. For instance, legume/oilseed crops like canola and peas fix nitrogen and put nitrogen back into the soil, whereas cereal crops like wheat or corn use it up.

What sentence can you use for field?

The field of grain waved in the wind. The stars were sown on the blue field of the flag. The playing field was painted in bright colors. The field of horses had been narrowed down to two.

What does the term spring sown mean?

Seeds that should be planted in spring

What is the relationship between mono cropping and mixed cropping?

Mixed croppingis growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land.It is also known as multiple cropping. This type of cropping leads to an improvement in the fertility of the soil and hence, increase in crop yield because when the two crops are properly chosen the products and refuse from one crop plant help in the growth of the other crop plant and vice-versa.Mixed cropping is an insurance against crop failure due to abnormal weather conditions.Some successful mixed cropping practices are:1.Soya Bean+ Pigeon pea2.Maize +uraddal (Black gram)3.Pigeon pea + Mung dal (Green gram)4.Groundnut + Sunflower5.Sorghum + Pigeon pea6.Wheat + Chickpea7.Barley + Chickpea8.Wheat + Mustard9.Cotton + Groundnut< While, >The growing of different kinds of crops on a piece of land in a pre planned succession is known ascrop rotation.In the rotation of crops, leguminous crops like pulses, beans, peas, groundnut and Bengal gram are sown in-between the seasons of cereal crops like wheat, maize and pearl millet.The leguminous plants are grown alternately with non-leguminous plants to restore the fertility of the soil.Planting a leguminous plant will result in nitrogen-rich soil and when a cereal is grown in this soil there is increase in food grain production.Rotation of crops help in weed control and pest control.Some successful crop rotation practices are:Maize + mustard , Rice + wheat etc

When r most pulses sown?

When are pulses sown and harvested

When was What We Have Sown created?

What We Have Sown was created on 2007-10-24.