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There are different types of grass, and they are different shades of green. In addition, when grass is stressed by heat, dryness, excessive moisture, or nutritional issues, its color may change.

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15y ago
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13y ago

I believe it is a shade of 699 wich would be umm let me just think that would be Just a Normal green. Im sure that's right:)


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13y ago

Many people ask questions like that to themselfs but it is green because it is healthy and just green.

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11y ago

Because of Cholorphyll

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Q: Why is the grass green in colour and not in blue?
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Why is grass green in colour and not blue?

Because it reflects all the colors besides green, in addition to the high amount of chlorophyll.

How do cows tell the grass is green?

The smell of fresh grass, and their ability to see in yellows and blues (in the colour spectrum, yellow + blue = green). Mostly cows can tell if the grass is green fresh by using their noses.

What does as green as grass mean?

Basically that if something is green and they say green as grass then Its the colour of grass. Obvs. :L

Why Is Grass In Colour And Not Blue?

Because it reflects all the colors besides green, in addition to the high amount of chlorophyll.

What colour yellow and blue make?

blue and yellow make the color green. green is the color of grass, tree leaves, and even stems! if this answered your question please summit your feedback

Why can't the sky in the green colour?

the sky is natrally dark and clear, but in the light it looks blue. It does this because of the reflactions of the Earth, sun, and moon! I wish it was green, though. And the grass would be blue!

What does the colour green and blue make?

Blue and green makes blue-green, obviously.

Is it blue- green or green-blue?

When naming a tertiary colour the primary colour is named first. Therefore it would be Blue-green. Followed in order by: Green and Yellow-green.

What colour was the grass before it was green?


Why is the earth blue and green?

becasue that is how our eyes fromat it, the sea is blue because it is and land in gernrally known as green from the greek story books! he earth is blue and green because the seven rays of light emitted from the sun are passed through the atmosphere, these seven rays of light contain: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet When these rays of light hit an object, it absorbs a certain colour of light, or multiple, and when it absorbs this/these colour(s) your eyes format that colour and basically you see that the grass is green because the grass has absorbed the green light, and that the sea is blue, because it absorbs the blue light. This light reflects off these objects and into your eyes.

What is the colour of grass?

The Grass Is Green it can range from black to white so really any color but it is most likely green

Why is grass green and not pink, yellow, or blue?

wWhy wouldn’t the grass be green?