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The fertilizers add nutrients to the soil so that the plants grow better and more productively than if the soil were left in its normal state.

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to make them grow

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Q: Why is fertilizer added to plants?
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Why is fertiliser added to soil?

Fertilizer is added to soil to replenish essential nutrients that plants need for healthy growth. These nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, can become depleted over time as plants absorb them from the soil. Fertilizer helps to ensure that plants have an adequate supply of nutrients to support their growth and development.

What are the elements required for grass to grow?

The elements that is added to the soil for plants to grow is all fertilizers. fertilizer gives the plants nutrients to grow better.

When was fertilizer first used?

Fertilizer was first used by the ancient Romans who tilled their crops and added nitrogen and lime to the soil because they knew it would help grow their plants.

Is fertilizer a noun?

Yes, the word 'fertilizer' is a noun; a word for a natural or chemical substance that is added to soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants; a word for a thing.

What effects can fertilizer do to plants?

Fertilizer supplies plants with nitrogen and various nutrients based on the type of fertilizer which plants need for growth. It doesn't provide electrolytes however.

Do plants grow faster in fertilizer or water?


What is the independent variables of fertilizer to plants?

How much fertilizer will be used and what kind of fertilizer.

What other way plants can grow with out soil?

Plants can be grown by a system called hydroponics, where they are grown in a nutrient rich liquid (ie water with fertilizer added); instead of soil.

What does nitrate fertilizer mean?

Nitrate fertilizer refers to a type of fertilizer that contains nitrogen in the form of nitrate ions. This form of nitrogen is readily available to plants for absorption, helping to promote healthy growth and higher yields. Nitrate fertilizers are commonly used in agriculture to provide plants with the essential nutrient they need for optimal development.

What do you use fertilizer for?

you use fertilizer to provide nutrients and food for the plants.

Why fertilizer are added to the crop?

Fertilizers are added to crops to provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that plants need for healthy growth. These nutrients can be lacking in the soil or depleted by previous crops, so adding fertilizer helps improve soil fertility and crop yield.

Does fertilizer help plants go faster?

yes, there is nutrients in the fertilizer yes, fertilizer that is not cheap -wulf