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Because it gives you wood

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Q: Why is a tree useful?
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How is the bark of a tree useful?

It can be used for medicine.

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Is tree is useful?

Because it gives you wood

How do you save a dead tree?

Carve it into something useful.

How is monkey useful to the tree?

Monkeys are useful to trees, in many cases, because they eat the trees' fruits, but don't digest the seeds. Then, they disperse the seeds, (via their dung) far from the parent tree.

Woody stems have a outermost layer bark How is the bark useful?

The bark is useful by protecting the tree from "injury" and repelling diseases.

How does the hickory tree on nature walk is useful?

its not dawg never is never was

Why is the sabal tree floridas state tree?

That is what we have the most of. It also was very useful in building cabins when the first settlers arrived.

What is the most useful part of a tree?

tree trunk because the trunk is then cut down into pieces of wood to make varieties of things

Why neem tree is useful for us?

The neem tree is useful for its medicinal properties. It has been traditionally used for treating various ailments like skin conditions, wounds, and fever. Neem also has insecticidal properties and is used in agriculture as a natural pesticide.

How do you kill the evil tree in Alice in Wondreland for wii?

Haha you thought this was a useful comment :)

Why paintings called art?

It just is. if there was a reason we would question everything e.g. why is a table a table? why is a tree a tree? etc. i hope you find this useful