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Because they are wind pollinated so they have no need to attract insects.

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Q: Why don't oak trees and grasses produce nectar?
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How do flower produce nectar?

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How do trees produce paper?

Trees dont "produce paper". Paper is made from trees because it is technically wood , although it may not seem like it.

Does bamboo trees produce flowers?

o they dont you seem pretty stupid :)

Why insect pollinated flowers produce nectar and how they produce?

LeBron James xD I Dont Know Insect pollinated plants produce nectar to attract insect for pollination. The nectar is produced in the nectary glands present at the base of stamens and gynoecium and when the insect approaches the nectary gland, the pollen grains get stuck on its body and when this pollen loaded insect visit another flower of the same species, pollen grains from his body are off loaded on the stigma this flower. Thus pollination by insect is achieved and the insect is benefited by the nectar from that plant.

Do flowers have sap?

Yes, flowers do have sap. This sap is known as floral nectar, and it is produced by flowers to attract pollinators such as insects, birds, or bats. The nectar provides pollinators with a reward of energy-rich sugars in exchange for transferring pollen from one flower to another.

What do you do to trees?

-we dont recycle -we cut down trees -we dont really plant new trees

Do all pine trees produce pine cones?

You can plant a cone and it will grow a group of trees or break the cone and plant the seeds individually.

What are butterflies diets?

they dont eat they drink they sip nectar with their probiscis

How do oak and pine trees live?

they dont live their trees -.-

What kind of tree do butterflies like to eat?

Butterflies do not eat trees. Instead, they feed on nectar from flowers, juice from fruits, and other liquid substances like water and tree sap. Some butterfly species also feed on pollen and minerals.

What are trees scared of?

i dont think trees are scared of anything lol

Can Zoyzia grass be spread by its clippings?

i dont know this variety but most grasses can spread by clippings