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Those spines create a 'cage like structure' to enclose its pray in. When a fly enters one of the Venus Flytrap's trigger mouths, the cage closes in on the fly and slowly digests it over the course of around 10 days.

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12y ago
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15y ago

The 'spikes', or cilia, are there to prevent the trapped prey from escaping after it is caught. They interlock with their counterparts on the other side when the trap closes.

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12y ago

The small spikes inside the "trap" of the plant are the actuator hairs, once a fly or small insect has moved these a few times the "trap" is activated and closes on the insect.

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9y ago

for eating insects and it gets its food from oxygen (other insects )

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Q: Why does a Venus Flytrap have spikes?
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Venus Flytrap in French is: ferme le bouche.

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Venus Flytrap - film - was created in 1970.

How does the Venus Flytrap get light?

The Venus Flytrap gets light from the sun (photosynthesis).