Can you have an accurate HIV test after 8 days?
AnswerHIV Duo Testing (ELISA IV), which detects the HIV-1-P24 antigen -- a definitive precursor of HIV -- has a superb success rate at as little as 7 days. However, a 28-day test is recommended, and apparently produces a higher degree of accuracy. AnswerHIV Duo detects both antibodies to HIV as well as p24, which is part of the virus itself. Antibodies are only formed after exposure to the antigen, so the antigen is detectable earlier than antibodies. This test reduces the window period significantly, and as the previous answer said, has a good sensitivity at even 7 days.However, we must remember that each individual is different, and may "incubate" the virus for a different time to other people. In any particular individual, 4th generation ELISAs such as the Duo will only pick up antigen 7-10 days before the antibody appears. So those who would become positive on an antibody-only assay at 8 weeks will become positive on the Duo at 6.5-7 weeks. HIV first has to replicate locally before it spreads to the lymph nodes, and only after that does the major viraemia appear, and it is that viraemia that is detected by the p24 part of the assay. If the local replication occurs quickly, the person will be positive sooner.There will always be the very small percentage who take longer.There is one pont which is not logical.So those who would become positive on an antibody-only assay at 8 weeks will become positive on the Duo at 6.5-7 weeks.The antibody production is the host response to the antigen there may be differences in the time period of host response so it would be wrong to conclude the presence of antigen relative to antibody production.assume A and B are infected (read antigen present at point t(time)) A takes x period to seroconvert(antibody production) and B takes Y period to seroconvert.but both had antigen at t(time) hence it would be wrong to assume presence of antigen in A as x-c and B as Y-c (c is a constant). both would be different.Visit: