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Because they're awesome.


Zebras are mainly hunted as trophy animals and some for their meat.

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Q: Why do you hunt zebras?
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Related questions

Do Zebras hunt at night or during the day?

zebras dont hunt

Where does a zebra hunt?

Zebras are herbivores, so they do not hunt.

What Animals hunt zebras?

one animal that hunts zebras is the lion.

Do humans hunt Grevy's Zebras?


How do zebras hunt for their food?

Lions and hyenas are the most prominent predators

Does a bear hunt zebra and antelope?

some panthers do hunt zebras, yes. because panthers eat meat, they hunt for zebras though zebras eat plants.

Are zebras going extint?

hunt= gone forever

How do zebras get their prey?

Zebras don't hunt. They eat grass, and they find them, shrubs, leaves and bark. They are foragers, not hunters.

Do hyenas hunt zebras?

sadly, this is true....... some humans in the past hunted cheetahs for their fur and claws. the cheetahs ability to run made the humans take days to capture even a cheetah young! but as days go past the cheetah is more safe, this is because, we are getting too lazy to outrun them, but when you come to think of it....... its a good thing people are to lazy to hunt a cheetah! hope my answer helped! :)

Did Bronze Age people hunt zebras?

I don’t know

Are humans enemies of zebras?

Both yes and no. Mankind hunt zebras for the decoration of their skin, but nowadays we know better. A lot of poaching is going on, of course, but many kinds of zebras are protected in national parks and nature reserves. Not all zebras are endangered.

What is the zebra's enemies?

Lions & Tigers They Hunt About 5 Zebras Every Month To Eat!