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Squirrel bite the ends off so they can get the sap. It makes a mess but probably won't hurt the tree. I call them flying rats and I'd like to eliminate all squirrells from my yard. If they get in your garage or house, they won't go back to living in a tree. Time for d-con but get a couple extra boxes.

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Q: Why do the tips fall off pine trees?
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How do sunflowers and pine trees reproduce?

Sunflowers= Brownish seeds blow off the flower in the wind and the seeds fall to the soil. Pine Trees= Pine cones expel seeds which fall to the soil.

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What happens to evergreen trees in winter?

Unlike, other pine trees, their needles actually don't fall off! :)

Can cows eat pine trees?

No, but cows can destroy pine trees by rubbing the bark off, chewing off the twigs and branches, etc. Pine trees are actually poisonous to cattle, especially to pregnant cows.

Do pine trees lose their leaves in winter?

No, pine trees do not have leaves. They have pine needles that have a waxy coat on them. People refer to them as pine leaves sometimes, but that isn't what they are.

Which trees are needle leaf tree?

No, they do not. Deciduous trees such as Sugar Maple trees have leaves that fall off in winter. Conifers (evergreens) such as the ponderosa pine have needles and reproduce via cones.

How does pine cones dispersed?

they fall off

Why do squirrels chew tips off evergreen trees?

Red Squirrels chew pine buds, bark and cone seeds. It is probably a lot easier to do all this chewing on the ground than hanging off the tip of a branch. Branch tips of the ground and large midden piles of pine cone scales and cobs is a definite sign of Red Squirrels.

How would uncontrolled cutting of pine trees impact the environment?

If too many pine trees are cut down in forest ecosystems, there will be no place for animals that live in the forest to live. We also need the oxygen trees give off, in order to breathe.

Do Coniferous trees have large broad leaves that drop in the fall?

No they don't. What kind of trees are coniferous? It means, cone bearing. So, the most familiar kind of cone on a tree is the pine cone. What kind of leaves do pine trees have? They have needles, very narrow leaves that do not drop off in the fall, but stay on all year. Some conifers, such as the Larch, drop their leaves in the Autumn, but they do not have large broad leaves.

Why do branches fall off trees?

the trees dying

Does ice cream fall off trees?

Yes, ice cream does fall off trees, but only if somebody puts it there and the wind blows.