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Tree's turn golden brown during Autumn due to various changes in the Earth's cosmological texture ratio. This means that Tree's are allowed to burrow deep withint the Earth Crust to cause huge levels of volcanic activity which will expose the secret Nazi facilities and UFO hangers which have been hidden. This in turn turns the tree's golden brown during the warmer months of the year as the underground nuclear battlearena's are used to enhance the radiant understanding of differing races within the universe.

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Q: Why do the leaves turn orange and brown?
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What do the leaves on the trees do in the summer totally went blank. turn brown green orange no leaves...what?

In the summer a trees leaves are green... they don't turn colors until autumn

What color are fall leaves?

My parents have an apple tree in their yard. In autumn the leaves turn a bit yellow, but I wouldn't say they are pretty. It's usually a pale yellow with brown spotting. From there, they quickly turn completely brown, curl up, and fall.

What colors do the leaves change into at autumn?

Brown gold yellow orange

Do trees grow orange leaves?

No, trees do not naturally grow orange leaves. The color of tree leaves typically ranges from green to yellow, red, or brown depending on the species and the season. Orange leaves may be a result of environmental factors, such as stress or disease.

Why are brown and orange the Thanksgiving colors?

has to do with the season of fall, when the leaves fall from the trees they are yellow, orange, and brown.

What colors are present in leaves?

i think that leaves present the colors green yellow brown red and orange also some leaves are white

What colors are leaves at the beginning of fall?

Leaves generally go from green to brown. Passing yellow and then orange phases in the middle.

Why do leaves turn brown when they die?

Well, it depends on the season.

What does it mean if your plants leaves turn brown?

it is dying stupid

Do the paper birch leaves turn orange and yellow in the autumn?

Yes, the paper birch leaves can turn orange and yellow in the autumn, adding a vibrant display of color to the landscape before they eventually fall off the tree.

Will using lemon juice on light brown hair turn it orange?

No it will turn a lighter Browne

What color should you put on orange hair to turn brown?
