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Less leaves in winter is energetically favorable for any tree.

Less availability of sunlight during the winter is one of the main cause to shed leaves.

Trees can use their stored up energy for long time if they have less leaves, to get by harsh winter.

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11y ago

To maintain homeostasis. It's a seasonal response, because having bare branches during the winter reduces the amount of water loss.

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Q: Why do some tree drop their leaves in winter?
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What tree has leaves that drop in the winter as an adaptation to cold temperatures?

A "deciduous" tree species such as oak or maple.

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Orchid tree usually sheds its leaves in winter though some species do not.

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What do you call a tree that lose their leaves in winter?

Deciduous Tree.

What trees drop their leaves as winter approaches and grow new leaves in spring?

Deciduous trees are the ones that drop their leaves in the fall as winter approaches and grow new leaves in the spring. This cycle is also known as leaf fall or abscission. Popular examples of deciduous trees include oak, maple, birch, and beech.

What is the name of trees that shed their leaves in winter?

threes that lose their leaves in the winter are called deciduous trees. They lose their leaves to conserve moisture and reduce the amount of energy they must consume in order to stay alive. The leaves of some deciduous trees turn bright colors before they drop to the ground, while others simply fade or turn brown. Environmental factors and the genome of the tree affect how quickly the leaves fall.

What makes a tree drop its leaves?


Does a deciduous tree drop leaves?

Yes :)

What kind of tree can withstand winter?

All trees will withstand winter, as they are many years old. Some trees shed their leaves in winter. They are deciduous. Trees that keep their leaves are called evergreen.