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because to protect themselse from hot season

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Q: Why do rubber trees shed their leaves during hot season?
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Related questions

Do deciduous trees shed leaves during one season only?

Yes, and the season is winter.

Difference between decidous and evergreen trees?

The difference between deciduous trees and fir trees is that deciduous trees lose their leaves while fir trees do not. Deciduous trees usually lose their leaves during winter, but some in the tropics lose their leaves during the dry season.

What is a type of plant that loses leaves during the cold season?

decidus trees

During which time of the year the trees shed lots of leaves?

Autumn (fall) is the season when deciduous tree shed their leaves in the north.

What are diciduous trees?

Deciduous trees are trees that shed their leaves seasonally. During a certain part of the year every year. They loose all of their leaves during the cold or dry season and, depending on the climate, remain bare till spring time.

Do deciduous trees lose their leaves in the autumn?

Trees may loose their leaves during periods of drought, as a result of herbivorous attacks or, in temperate climates, they may lose them in the autumn season.

Is rubber tree deciduous?

Rubber trees are not deciduous; they are evergreen trees. They keep their leaves throughout the year and do not shed them in the fall like deciduous trees.

In which season do leaves fall from trees?


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What season do deciduous trees shed there leaves?


What do pine trees look like during each season?

Pine trees do not lose their leaves in Autumn. They are tall trees that have string like leaves and have cones on them. The cone are called 'Pine cones'. The look relatively the same all round the year.

What kind of trees are around during autumn?

All of the trees that survived the previous season. Deciduous trees only shed their leaves in autumn, but the tree is still there - they don't migrate like ents