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Q: Why do large plants grow beneath conifers'?
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Are conifers are plants that grow flowers?


Are conifers plants that grow flowers?


Are conifers plants grow flowers?

Conifers resemble flowering plants in having seeds and well developed vasculature

Is it safe to grow conifers beside your house?

Conifers are plants like pine trees etc.These trees grow to quite a large height so it depends on how close to your house it is. I would advise not to plant it within 5meters of your house

Why do few large plants beneath conifers?

two reasons that few large plants grow beneath the tree of a coniferous forest are the ground beneath the trees are covered with a thick layer of needles. Very little sun light reaches the ground.

Conifers are plants that grow flowers true or false?

False. Conifers are a group of seed-producing plants that do not produce flowers. They reproduce through cones instead of flowers.

Why does no grass grow amongst the conifers?

Conifers are acid loving plants. They tend to make the the soil around them very acidic and turf grasses do not grow very well (if at all) in acidic soil.

What are some plants that only live in taiga?

the trees that grow leaves and the leaves that grow on trees

Are conifers small or big?

Conifers can vary in size, from small shrubs to large trees. Some conifers, like cedars and firs, can grow into tall, majestic trees, while others, like junipers and yews, are smaller in stature.

How do conifers make the soil they grow in too acidic for other plants to grow?

Conifers produce acidic compounds in their needles called tannins and lignins. When these needles decompose, they release acidic compounds into the soil, lowering the pH. This acidic environment makes it difficult for other plants to thrive, as most plants prefer neutral to slightly acidic soil pH levels for optimal growth.

Can vascular plants grow to be quite large?

yes vascular plants can grow to be quite large because they have roots or stems

What do conifers grow in?
